
About SFL677178882826150988Founded in 1994, the School of Foreign Languages (SFL) offers four BA programs on English, Business English, Translation and Japanese, setting up four teaching and research sections respectively. Our objective is to cultivate applied and inter-disciplinary students who are not only well developed morally, intellectually and physically but also are high-level specialized talents in English who also acquire knowledge of business or application of the theory of teaching, and high-level specialized talents in Japanese who also acquire knowledge of business. In 2011 and 2017, English major was rated as Key Specialty of Zhengzhou Local Universities and Brand Specialty of Henan Private Colleges. More than 1300 students are now studying at SFL, including undergraduates and junior college students.SFL is boasting a productive and experienced staff, 75% of whom have MA or PhD degree educational background. Of nearly 70 full-time and part-time teachers, there are 8 professors, 33 associate professors, and 4 foreign experts.



Currently, the SFL has a wealth of resources available to its students. It has Micro-Teaching Laboratories, Simultaneous Interpretation Laboratories, Activity Centers of English and Japanese Cultures, Cross-border Electronic Commerce Training Room donated by excellent alumnus Peng Chuanyong, and a film room along with other print and electronic resources.

With unremitting efforts to strive for excellence, SFL, persevering to its characteristic education and placing focus on regional economic and social development, commits itself to cultivating talents featuring a strong sense of both ethics and expertise and capability of practice, in accordance with the “foreign language + ” talents cultivating idea, the present development of the school and industry, and the national strategies.

By September 2017, a total of 8,621 students have graduated from SFL, who has already gained a reputation for quality graduates. They are most welcome by employers due to their expertise in their professional fields as well as their good command of English. About 15% of total graduates are able to have access to postgraduate study every year. For many years, SFL graduates have enjoyed a high rate of employment and have received considerable job offers from reputable employers.



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